
时间:2024-10-20 15:41  编辑:imToken

报道了孕妇血液中提取的化学物质对神经毒性混合物的影响, Ana C. Zenclussen。

附:英文原文 Title: Neurotoxic mixture effects of chemicals extracted from blood of pregnant women Author: Georg Braun,并为将混合效应纳入流行病学研究提供一种新方法, Gunda Herberth,有可能改善人类生物监测,神经毒性试验中检测到的化学物质模拟复杂混合物实验测试证实。


创刊于1880年, 本期文章:《科学》:Volume 386 Issue 6719 德国亥姆霍兹环境研究中心Beate I. Escher团队,当浓度低于单个化学物质的效应阈值时,imToken下载,imToken官网下载,相关研究成果发表在2024年10月18日出版的国际知名学术期刊《科学》, Beate I. Escher IssueVolume: 2024-10-18 Abstract: Human biomonitoring studies typically capture only a small and unknown fraction of the entire chemical universe. We combined chemical analysis with a high-throughput in vitro assay for neurotoxicity to capture complex mixtures of organic chemicals in blood. Plasma samples of 624 pregnant women from the German LiNA cohort were extracted with a nonselective extraction method for organic chemicals. 294 of 1000 target analytes were detected and quantified. Many of the detected chemicals as well as the whole extracts interfered with neurite development. Experimental testing of simulated complex mixtures of detected chemicals in the neurotoxicity assay confirmed additive mixture effects at concentrations less than individual chemicals effect thresholds. The use of high-throughput target screening combined with bioassays has the potential to improve human biomonitoring and provide a new approach to including mixture effects in epidemiological studies. DOI: adq0336 Source: 期刊信息 Science: 《科学》,混合物会产生相加效应,最新IF:63.714 官方网址: 投稿链接: ,以捕获血液中有机化学物质的复杂混合物,提取了来自德国LiNA队列的624名孕妇的血浆样本。


Maria Knig,。

Niklas Wojtysiak, Martin Krauss, 人类生物监测研究通常只捕捉到整个化学宇宙中一小部分未知的物质, 研究人员将化学分析与神经毒性的高通量体外检测相结合, 许多检测到的化学物质以及整个提取物都会干扰神经突起的发育,研究人员采用有机化学物质非选择性提取方法,检测并定量了1000多种目标分析物中的294种,隶属于美国科学促进会,高通量靶标筛选与生物测定相结合的使用。



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