
时间:2024-01-07 21:19  编辑:imToken

附:英文原文 Title: Synthesis of core-shell nanostructured SiO2/TiO2 photocatalysts via atomic layer deposition in a fluidized bed with central tube Author: Wei Liu,它增加了吸收阳光的能力,相关研究成果于2024年1月4日发表在国际顶尖学术期刊《颗粒学报》,并加速了空穴和电子的分离,imToken, 在振动和中心管的组合作用下,。

其中中心管具有两个作用:改善流化和分别输送前体,制备的SiO2/TiO2纳米粒子表现出优异的光催化降解性能:在300W氙灯照射60min下, 该文中,可以精确控制亚纳米级的膜厚度和均匀性。

where the central tube has two roles: improve fluidization and deliver precursors separately. The synthesis of core-shell structured SiO2/TiO2 nanoparticle catalysts for photodegradation of tetracycline hydrochloride (TC) is carried out using TiCl4 and H2O as precursors at 180 C under atmospheric pressure. Under the combination of vibration and central tube,隶属于爱思唯尔出版集团, Daoyin Liu, 本期文章:《颗粒学报》:Online/在线发表 东南大学刘道银研究团队报道了中心管流化床原子层沉积法制备核壳纳米结构SiO2/TiO2光催化剂。


the segregation of agglomerate size along the bed height is weakened,imToken官网, and the prepared SiO2/TiO2 nanoparticles show excellent photocatalytic degradation performance: the degradation efficiency on TC is 96% under 300 W xenon lamp irradiation for 60 min. The mechanism of enhanced photocatalytic activity is due to the Ti-O-Si bonds generated at the interface,团聚物尺寸沿床层高度的偏析减弱, 流化床原子层沉积是一种有效的颗粒涂层技术,对TC的降解效率为96%,最新IF:3.5 官方网址: https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/particuology 投稿链接: https://www2.cloud.editorialmanager.com/partic/default2.aspx 。

which increase the ability to absorb sunlight and accelerate the separation of holes and electrons. DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2023.12.015 Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1674200124000038 期刊信息 Particuology : 《颗粒学报》。

a fluidized bed with a central tube is designed。

Zuyang Zhang,研究人员设计了一种带有中心管的流化床,在180C常压下合成了核壳结构的SiO2/TiO2纳米颗粒催化剂, Zhenkun Sun IssueVolume: 2024/01/04 Abstract: Fluidized bed atomic layer deposition is an efficient technique for particle coating with precise control over the film thickness and uniformity at the sub-nano scale. In this study。



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